Logo by William Mangold
The Spacetime Research Collective (STREAC) was founded by a group of doctoral students from geography, environmental psychology, sociology, and anthropology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. The group was initially born out of an amazing one-time seminar called “Theories of Space and Time” taught by the illustrious Professor Cindi Katz in the spring of 2007. Our founding mission—“To collaborate on publications, pedagogy, and presentations related to space, place, and politics”—has since been broadly interpreted and carried forward. Members have organized together for student health care and fair compensation for adjunct labor; created archival resources and collectively authored publications; organized student-led courses and teach-ins; supported each other through all sorts of personal and professional endeavors; organized collective lodging and side-trips together at conferences; and much, much more. Now in its third decade, STREAC continues active discussion and collaboration among a membership including new generations of scholars at the Graduate Center, as well as those of us who have continued on to positions within dozens of cities and institutions across multiple countries and continents. I have learned a ton from peers in this community over the years, and feel very fortunate to have them. I know many other members feel the same.